Our emerging era in Tele-Work, Tele-Health and Tele-Ed coincides with the expanding international definition of Human Factors and Ergonomics. In the 21st century, Physical, Cognitive and Organizational Human Factors must all be at the forefront of an up-to-date Ergonomist’s mind. New patterns to address these multivariate opportunities are emerging – just in time to address remote work realities of the modern millennium.
In this course, attendees will learn easy-to-use, easy-to-teach Cognitive, Physical and Behavioral Techniques to benefit the personal self and the qualified client. Practical tools from the flood of neuroscience literature connecting the mind and body in ever-more effective ways are built-in to this live, interactive experience.
Practice and apply the learned information, and be prepared to perform a Remote Metronomic Breathwork progression with future clients.
Formulate and utilize the studied material, and be equipped to execute a Remote Embodied Cognition progression using ancient martial arts techniques.
Explain and relate approaches that address US DOL BLS Macro-Ergonomic Exposure Trends by using The International Ergonomic Association’s Meso-Ergonomic interventions.
Presented by:
Matt Jeffs, DPT PSM REAS
Principal Faculty
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Safety Management Professor
Ergonomic Specialist Educator
Presentation slides can be downloaded here.